Momentum Texas

THE PEOPLE driving momentum

Nathan Lambert, B.A.

Momentum Director

Tony Cinquepalmi, M.Ed., LPC

Momentum Founder & Executive Director

Colin McInerney, B.S.

Momentum Program Coordinator


"My child worked so hard for this diploma, but what's next? I want my son to have purpose after high school."

We have heard remarks similar to this time and time again from parents of our graduates. With over 45 years of experience in this field between the two of us, we have seen first-hand the need and desire for momentum to build for students after high school. We know that life doesn't stop after graduation, and we want our students to know that means their purpose doesn't stop either. That's why we created Momentum - a program that not only supports, but empowers students to take autonomy over their future success.

With our expert guidance, these young adults gain the skills and first hand experiences needed to not just survive daily life, but to thrive in daily . With our support, energy, and direction, we are certain these students are capable of excellence - some of them just need a little Momentum to get started on the right path.

Purpose Driven Success.

interested? Contact us.